Athens 2004. It's all about sport. And watching muscled men get sweaty.

Tuesday, August 17

Hunks du Jour: Nik and Thom

hold me, i'm trembling!
Journalists and commentators alike should be banned from referring to any event or athlete using the following phrases: Greek Gods, Greek Tragedy, Greek Philosophers, It's All Greek To Me, Freaks and Greeks. Etcetera.

That said, what other phrase than Greek Gods can you use for these lusty lads? The host nation won their first gold in the 3m Springboard final last night. And didn't Nikolaos Siranidis and Thomas Bimis look fine with those laurel wreath thingies on their head? The wreath has had its critics, but I'm a big fan. I would like to see it taken a step further, in which the athletes are not only handed a wreath but also a toga. Or a fig leaf. Yes, this would mean naked medal presentations.

Furthermore, is there anything more pleasing to the eye than a man dripping with water? Just remember the famous scene from Pride and Prejudice when Mr Darcy emerges from the lake after an impromptu dip. And there's also the scene where he takes a bath and his butler holds out his bathrobe for him so he can slip right into it after he's done splashing. I would like to be that butler. Perhaps at the Beijing Olympics I can volunteer to be Towel Girl and pat the divers dry.

Anyway, back to these Adonises. Adoni?

  • Once again, dark hair and dark eyes
  • Once again, dishevelled hair upon pool exit
  • Greek. Possiblity their Mum cooks good food.
  • Lots of wet towels to wash.
RATING: 8 kalamata olives out of 5.
That's 4 olives each.


Blogger TC said...

Mmmm Towel Girl. I'm up for that. Dishy.

4:41 AM

Blogger That Damn Monkey said...


1:07 AM

Blogger Hephaestion said...

There's nothing hotter than two hot guys clutching each other, is there? More! More!

8:41 PM


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